Other Destinations

Destinations in Yogyakarta

Borobudur Temple

The largest Buddhist temple built at 9th century located at central java well-known as the UNESCO heritage site, entrances tickets and transport to Borobudur, how to visit

Prambanan Temple

Prambanan Temple largest Complex of Hindu Temple

This magnificent Hindu temple derives it name from the village where it is located, seventeen kilometers east of Yogyakarta. Locally known as the Loro Jongrang Temple, or the Temple of the Slender Virgin, it is the most magnificent and beautiful Hindu temple in Indonesia dating back lo the middle of the ninth century.

It has eight shrines; the three main ones are dedicated to Vishnu, Brahma, Shiva, which rises to a height of one hundred and thirty feet and houses the magnificent statue of Shiva’s consort, Durga. The Ramayana ballet is performed here on an open-air stage during nights of the full moon period. 


Yogyakarta the center of Javanese culture

Yogyakarta is one of the supreme cultural centers of Java and a Special Province. Full Gamelan orchestras keep alive the rhythms of the past, classical Javanese dances hypnotize with visions of beauty and poise; shadows come to life in the stories of the wayang kulit and a myriad of traditional art forms keep locals and visitors spellbound. Contemporary art has also grown in the fertile soil of Yogyakarta’s sophisticated cultural society. 

Sultan Palace

Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Palace or Kraton

Malioboro Street

lies in the center of the city between two rivers. The palace grounds stretch from north to south, in line with Mount Merapi, the axis along which all important ceremonies lake place. The Kraton is constructed to form a model of the Javanese conception of the cosmos. Each gateway, pavilion, and courtyard has a specific symbolic meaning, harmonizing the divine powers of the universe. Over one thousand four hundred retainers serve the current sultan, and can be seen throughout the palace, Tour tour Jogjakarta would be complete without a stroll down the city’s main street, Jalan Malioboro. A dazzling display of tropical fruit, batik, food stalls and second-hand ‘antiques’ make for a souvenir hunter’s paradise. Bargaining is half the fun of shopping here, but even if you’re not buying, the intensity of the street-life is fantastic.

Surabaya City

Surabaya City The capital of East Java

A booming city of over three million people, Surabaya is Indonesia’s second city and the capital of East Java. Surabaya boasts of a proud role in the nation’s struggle for Independence. At what is know the Majapahit Hotel, in the center of the city, the firs raising of the Indonesian flag was achieved at the cost of many lives. These days, Surabaya offers many fine hotels, shopping centers, restaurants and plentiful sources of entertainment. 

Malang City

Seventy kilometers south of Surabaya lay Malang, one of the most attractive hill towns in Java. A strong sense of civic pride is evident from the well- maintained and elaborately, painted becaks, the groomed Main Square, and clean buildings and streets. Twenty kilometers from Malang on the southern flank of Mount Arjuna, are Selecta and Songgoriti, popular hill resorts with hot springs. Nearby Batu is famous for its apples and flowers.

Sukamade Beach

Sukamade Turtle Beach of National Park

offers a unique experience for tourists, namely seeing turtles laying eggs at night. This beach is located in the Meru Betiri National Park (TN) area, Banyuwangi Regency. Section for Controlling Madya Forest Ecosystems in Meru Betiri National Park, a place for turtle conservation. Conservation measures are taken to maintain the turtle population and ecosystem. Because if left buried on the beach, the eggs are prone to be preyed on by other animals or stolen by humans.

Tour packages with Borobudur Temple is available here! Further information please contact us

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